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Telegram Channels Bot [How To Use Bots]

Telegram Channels Bot

Telegram Channels Bot

Telegram channels are a medium for individuals and institutions, centers and institutions that have simple and effective promotional applications.

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The contents of some of the channels are manufactured, but the contents of others are actually copying the contents of the site or other channel or copying the contents of their Instagram, and the managers of each channel have to manually move the content to their Telegram, which in the long run will take a lot of time.

The manager of the channel and may also not be busy and due to the speed and precision required.

The “Bot” will take on the task to send your content to your channel on a continuous basis.

Telegram Bot Features:

Definition of the list of essential words (the presence of at least one of them in the new article is necessary to send that content to the channel)

Define a list of words to replace (Replace) before posting to the channel (for example, deleting a particular phrase or replacing an ID or channel link).

Enable / Disable Main Content Link

Enable / Disable Notification to insert new content on the channel

Enable / Disable Link Preview (Link Preview)

Link preview without displaying link URL!

Display image with text (if image exists)

Define “signature” for each feed to attach to the end of the post submitted to the channel

Provide detailed statistics on the count of each source (feed / insta / channel) and the number of downloads to each of your channels.

Possibility to send to private channel

I have a great channel and I’m afraid to add a Bot to my channel. what should I do?

you are right. Our advice to you (but to everyone) is to first create a test channel and test the output of the Bot.

Then change the settings and see the effect on the output …

Every time you’re sure of the bot’s performance and your familiarity with our bot’s settings, then you can use this Bot for your channel.

Can I use Telegram Bot for private channel?

Yes! Just select a content from the channel content (which is included in the channel by yourself and is not an on-line forum to the channel).

Then post that item to the Bot and get it all.

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